I made this video by using Animoto which I can create a digital story using photos, texts, and music. This video is about American holidays. Especially in EFL class, many students might not be familiar with American culture.
Through this tool, teachers can discuss holidays in the U.S and compare the U.S culture and students’ one. After this activity, teachers can divide students into groups and ask them to choose one country and make video about the culture of the country.
Teaching language using video tool can be really helpful not only learn language communication skills but also understand different culture and broaden their view points. They can also feel interested in learning with pictures and music. Teachers can teach music as well.
Now that you have explored this tool, in the future you may find a use for it as a motivator for teaching a lesson.
Thanks for sharing.
2d 3d Animation Video Production Company in Houston, Medical Video makers Dallas, Explainer Video Company San Francisco, California
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